Once you choose hope, anything is possible

Christopher Reeve

teen counseling

A few more of Dawna’s thoughts on teen counseling

I love working with teenagers. I have had four myself and i know how hard it is to watch them struggle. I also know, there is hope and there are skills that can help them cope, heal, and develop successfully. The teen years can be difficult for the kids and families, as well. Help and hope are essential.

Teenagers need support - from their parents, friends, churches, and sometimes - a counselor. They are overwhelmed with mixed messages from the world around them about what they should do and who they should be, what is right and wrong, and what their values should be. Their choices and values do not always line up. They struggle with lots of peer pressure and mental load. All of this while they are navigating natural physical development and their brains are still developing the part that helps them make good decisions.

Lots of times, teens do not want to talk about it. And that is okay! Traditional talk therapy is not always the best approach to working with teens. And that is okay!

You don’t know me yet, so you may not know that I am really patient. I also love the challenge of connecting with someone who is a little resistant to the therapeutic process. I am eager to connect with teenagers on their level in their own way. Art, games, and other interactive experiences help me establish a connection. I can help them identify their strengths and challenges. Also, they can develop communications and social skills, which are an important part of being successful for them. Teens also need intervention and support for anxiety, depression, grief, emotional regulation, relationship management, boundary setting, and follow up after a mental health crisis, and more. The coping and problem solving skills they develop and practice now can have a huge impact on their futures.